Mgr. Veronika Karlová Bílková
This course deals with the psychology of human development. Integral parts of the course are PP presentations, articles, videos, audio tracks, and tests. Basic terminology and components dealing with psychology and human development are defined. Unit 1 deals with developmental psychology. Unit 2 introduces intelligence and its levels. Unit 3 is concerned with social intelligence and lying. Unit 4 deals with qualities and character. The final task of this course includes filling in an Ability checklist with a child. Participants who finish the course are able to speak and write about and understand information dealing with the psychology of human development.
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rok vzniku
další zdroje
Obecná psychologie a psychologie osobnosti
Psychohygiena pro pedagogické a sociální pracovníky
Art education in the preschool age
Language education in the preschool age
J.A. Comenius and his contribution to the world’s education
Environmental education in the preschool age
Classical and alternative education systems
Animation and the Youth and Senior Activization
Social Pedagogy - Introduction
Socialization and Identity formation
Psychotherapy and counselling in the social work profession
Recognizing and Preventing Burn-out Syndrome in Helping Professions
Communication skills in social work practice
Reasons for Social Work Intervention I
Reasons for Social Work Intervention II
Human Life Cycle: Specifics and Problems of Individual Stages of Human Development
Family and Substitute Child Care
Angličtina v politice a institucích EU
Manifestacoes de diversidade cultural na área da música, literatura, theatro e língua
vzniklo za podpory