Mgr. Hedvika Dudová; Mgr. Viktor Duda
The course is a continuation of the course Reasons for Social Work Intervention. It aims to present further social issues and target group(s) in addition to those presented in the first part. The focus is again on mastering English terminology, as well as some basic knowledge about the social issues that are covered and that may lead to situations in which social work intervention is needed.
PART II covers the following topics:
- Vulnerability of childhood
- The frailty of old age
- Disability
- Mental health issues
- Addiction
The level of the course is B1-B2, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
The target competence of this course is to be able to present the social issues/phenomena that are covered and the related target groups (populations) and forms of assistance available using appropriate terminology and to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to be able to present one's own personal social work experience.
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rok vzniku
další zdroje
Speciální pedagogika osob s tělesným, s mentálním postižením
Psychology of human development
Art education in the preschool age
Language education in the preschool age
J.A. Comenius and his contribution to the world’s education
Environmental education in the preschool age
Classical and alternative education systems
Animation and the Youth and Senior Activization
Social Pedagogy - Introduction
Socialization and Identity formation
Psychotherapy and counselling in the social work profession
Recognizing and Preventing Burn-out Syndrome in Helping Professions
Communication skills in social work practice
Reasons for Social Work Intervention I
Human Life Cycle: Specifics and Problems of Individual Stages of Human Development
Family and Substitute Child Care
Menschen in verschiedenen Lebensphasen 1
Menschen in verschiedenen Lebensphasen 2
Menschen in schwierigen Lebenslagen
Význam a možnosti zahraničních inovací pro sociální práci v ČR
Dítě s mentálním postižením ve třídě (Psychopedie)
vzniklo za podpory